August 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE

ICELANDAIR: photo by Malcolm Aslett


Ah, the old days when people walked to a plane across the tarmac to get onto it. Now people probably don't even know what the plane they fly in looks like or what tarmac is. And are they lesser people for it?

When I put this together the things I thought it had going for it were, firstly, the big yellow engine and secondly, the faceless mass going up the stairs/gangway. I liked that it had the airline name so clear and prominent and the usual shadow of the photographer. I put it through Flaming Pear's Mr Contrast which I've used a few times in the past to punch up something unexpected. It turned a daytime scene to night but kept and enhanced the crucial elements that made the thing in the first place.

The name on the plane and info is so clear and prosaic it is comic-like to me. I could have fixed the slight breaks in text but that difference can have the effect of making people look more closely. Consistencies are not our friends (necessarily).

The graniness adds another pictorial/symbolic mish mash in that it reminds me of old black and white newspaper photographs of film stars arriving in some place to 'visit your wonderful country'. Simpler times. Tarmac.



