Grand Canyon through the keyhole : photo by Malcolm Aslett

I wanted to call this Grand Canyon Capriccio but thought it might come off as too pretentious. But there is a touch of playing around so that the walls of the canyon to either side go farther than they really do. The sight of the canyon itself is an extraordinary thing but I am irked by the necessity for that horizon to dominate in so many images. Yes, you can get in a plane or helicopter and look down to break that up. This is another way of doing that and not being tied to the optical imperatives of the single scene.

It looks like an eye at an angle. This was not consciously intended but works to the advantage of the image. The blue eye of the scene in the middle versus the darkness of the hillsides is what carries the image. It doesn't need to be the Grand Canyon in that respect, but it gains from it reflexively in that the distant and diminished horizon is the 'true' canyon and the doctored walls of these cliff faces are a mere doorway to it.

Don't think there's much else to say about it. I like those daft looking clouds.






