Allied Street Hydrant : photo by Malcolm Aslett

To choose a picture this week I looked at the recent ones I have done as thumbnails. This one seemed to be the strongest composition simply on that basis. That was odd because full(ish) size it didn't strike me as anything. Ah, the proclivities of the brain, tending to certain things without us knowing. The Golden Section. The X design of the Renaissance. Rising rather than descending lines. I'm sure it helps being so colourful.

It's hard to know if anything is going on here. Cars parked in a business street. Things too bright for a domestic setting. Fire hydrants are such attractive bits of metal. All those clunky fitting curved pieces with bolts. I had to mess with the pavement (sidewalk) to get it to fit around the vehicle as the angles were a bit squiffy there but I like the resultant dog leg channelling the street further up the right hand margin. The dull sky lets us down over the buildings. It would have been nice to have a bit of aerial muscle as the textural detail up until that point is quite rich.

I wouldn't mind using this composition for the basis of a painting but think it would require human figures to make it worthwhile. Just a single human figure to imply some intent, some purpose. At the moment the photograph implies some opposite of that. Industrial efficiency with no sign of humanity, yet bright and bublbly like a party that no one came to.






