Lincoln Memorial from a wonky viewpoint : photo by Malcolm Aslett

The sprawling sun dried grass in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington seems to have relevance nowadays.

This covers about a hundred and eighty degree spread and so things should be far more distorted. To avoid too much exaggeration it is done in sections. I tilted the horizons somewhat to change the steep inclines into what looks more like a hillock. I like the memorial being oddly angled. Lower right shows the shadows of the wall butting into the grass area. The left hand path should actually be heading in the same direction as the right path. Rather than have the usual curving eye shape I wanted to save the straight lines, As these could never fit I let them lay as they fell, mostly, though there was a bit of twiddling with the lower right section.

Clear blue skies and marble pillars. Makes me think of Alma Tadema paintings that looked like paradise when I was a kid. Those ridiculous deep blues of the sea in his paintings were so inviting. None of that here. Next to the blue sky and marble the rest of the landscape is autumnal. I think there is a natural human response to that, a kind of 'after the party' feel. It makes things more thoughtful and slow.

I started this one a while ago and after working on it for a while I had a computer problem and lost it. It was quite different from the one you see here and a design I much preferred with more interesting figures in the lower right quadrant. Sometimes you don't have the heart to go back to the old places.





