Stranger Things Bathroom WV : photo by Malcolm Aslett

So I finally started watching 'Stranger Things' on Netflix. And I had all these new photos to work with from a trip to West Virginia.

This is the upshot of both those things.

I don't know if the interior designers were going with a 'mood' for this bathroom but it certainly had its own style. Whitish grey tiles with black grouting and the other fittings of a bauhaus practicallity and proficiency. I put the photos together in batches and had various gaps below and in the corners above. So I used the Fill in photoshop that is 'content aware'. This is a clever program that automatically choses from what is immediately around the selected fill area to invent what should be inside the capture area. It is good with straight lines and extends them a particular distance. It's excellent with tones and colour values and matches very well more times than not. And then there are times it can get a bit creepy if the area around the fill is too complex.

If you see what it did with the top left edge of the wall, the V shape, you get an idea of it's 'grabby' nature. Or where the top left wall merges into the glass blocks as the tones and colours aren't so far apart. Obviously you can't expect it to guess an edge without anything to work on.

The cobwebby disorder might not have been to my taste on another day. And there are ways to direct the content aware ability to create something more in line with what you want. But I thought it was a fitting tribute to Stranger Things alternative dimensionality to have the walls and fittings go so loopy.

Maybe I should find something less disturbing to watch for next week.





