Grist Mill Wheel WV : photo by Malcolm Aslett

There is a platform outside the door that allows you to get a good view of the wheel, the remnants of which are a ghostly image just below, blending into the rocks. The spiralling effect of the elements around the wheel just happened. As there were gaps in the corners as usual they were filled in haphazardly as this seemed appropriate.

The wheel itself, of rusting metal, is a handsome object. Industrial architecture often has an elegance to it, a simplicity born of practicality. A lot of work to make these things and still there is a beauty to them.

The trees to upper left have a bit too much of regularity, of repetition to them and I considered mixing it up a bit to hide that fact. I left it, arguing to myself that the repetition reinforces that mechanical aspect of reproduction. Wait a minute, I could even pretend there is some symbolism there, a wheel of fortune turning, the cycle of life. Yeah, sure. That's what I intended all along. Very artistic.

Yet another image is of the 'front' of the building which was extended in a haphazard way in photoshop and I'll put that up next week.






