MAY 2020 THIS week's PICTURE

NORTHSIDE LIBRARY INTERIOR : photo by Malcolm Aslett

This is a photo of the Northside Library in Charlottesville. I was exhibiting a few joiner photographs there a while back. A documentary piece.

The setting is the long hall next to the library areas and the walls to left and right, though part of the same corridor, become pushed out, as if to indicate an opening of the space. That dog leg of a turn on the left wall with the glass windows is simply a way of showing the left wall as parallel to me. The table is split in the middle with two images of differing colour values. Though the yellow is a bit bright and lacking detail I thought it was a fair inclusion to indicate more forcibly that break in space and viewpoint. The bottom left quadrant probably took more time than anything else, simply tidying stuff up. I like that tangle of metal tubing below the table and chairs. It won't make sense if you look closely, but who looks closely at a photograph nowadays?

With the building empty it looks as if it might have been taken during our present Covid isolationism. Not true.

It is fitting for the time just for that.

I was supposed to go hang some pictures in a regional gallery this weekend and that was cancelled. So this is instead. A lot less effort.






