MAY 2020 THIS week's PICTURE

FAYETTEVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA : photo by Malcolm Aslett

Fayetteville is one of those pleasant small town America places that have lots of ordinary things that seem unusual because ordinary things aren't looked after well enough and pass without notice until it's too late. Quiet and minding it's own business. This place had something to do with the Civil War, probably. That's my guess. The curve of the building shows I was close enough to take several photos and have that effect of bending perspective. Glad that the trees could be used to bookend it on blue sky. One side in shadow and one in light gives a nice symbolic balance. There was some filling to do to get all that stone up to the bottom edges. The height allows it to avoid that panoramic eye shape from dominating, with this carpet of stone taking up half the picture.

Buildings can take themselves a bit too seriously. This one might have. That porch was an expensive addition. But it is cosy and playful too. That is maybe the thing to see in it.






