MAY 2020 THIS week's PICTURE

Pillar Portrait Enlarged : photo by Malcolm Aslett

Another version of a picture that extends the view to show the right/left hand side of the building (depending in how you count it).

The original slice was a perfectly obvious choice that concentrated on the pillar behind the boy. This one brings into play the far more problematic issue of tacking on a section of the pillars in a different perspective. And the solution is ... to mosly ignore it.

I enjoy a mix of chaos and order. It pleases me to have some of the steps slide (falsely) into one another while at the same time having the upper sections fall apart so catastrophically. The right hand side had already suffered a great deal of distortion to look 'regular'. I simply clattered the middle and the side together and tweaked the areas between to satisfy my on the spot choices.

It changes the feel of the scene considerably, I think.

Here's a link to the previous version :Pillar Portrait.







