APRIL 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE
Richmond Art Gallery Reconstructed/Deconstructed: photo by Malcolm Aslett
Art galleries. They must have a lot of cash floating around to spend on marble floors and redecorating large open spaces that people are walking through just to get to the goodies. It is probably named after the couple that donated the money though I didn’t notice. Ah, that’s what I want to do: earn a hundred million dollars and leave it to an Art Museum to redecorate, thus shutting off a large space for several months/years so that visitors can go elsewhere. It makes sense when you think about it. In Bizarro World. So the bits are put together, sometimes well, sometimes obviously. It is part deconstruction, I suppose… Much have I groveled in the realms of Gold (From ‘Ode on what Grecian Builders Earn’ by John Skits) |