The Last Flag : photo by Malcolm Aslett

I thought I had put this one up before but don't see it in previous weeks.

The scene is near the North Sea along a street with a cemetery wall running along one side and houses on the other. You rarely see anyone flying a national flag in England. Europeans don't go in for the kind of nationalism so prevalent in the USA. And it is a raggedy union jack. Having a national flag is like saying you are on the political right, possibly too far, if we're going into the semiotics of it. Who knows with this flag. On a cold day in a bleak and uninformative landscape it could mean a lot of things. Lost grandeur being in that mix.

Below is one of the first stages in the construction. The sky has been puckered up in the final version. While the greyed colours below are what you might expect on a dull day I wanted the flag to be bright and clear. This required a bit of cleaning and increasing the saturation of the reds and blues.

The increase in contrast takes away detail in the trees and greenery and makes the growth look rather blighted.

Finally, at bottom, there is a closer detail of that flag. Might be just kids playing soldiers, I suppose.





