Waterpark in West Virginia : photo by Malcolm Aslett

These long panorama-like photos are a little frustrating to put on a computer screen. If this were printed at 300 dpi it could be 90 inches long. At this size it might as well have been taken with an iphone.

What remains are bits that might remind us of the construction - the daft looking hill of trees in the center, the two shades of sky to right that I didn't correct, the left hand bookend of trees.

This was taken in three levels. But what of course makes it a more interesting photograph are the bits that defy normality. More and more, the predictability of photographs annoy me. Might be an age thing.

So I am thankful for the things that don't make sense, or are untoward.

The scale of things seems all over the place. Consider the size of foreground figures. To left and right their proportional sizes diminish quickly. Off in the background they are barely visible at this size of reproduction.

The photograph also changes my memory of the place. It certainly didn't look like this to me at the time. It was busy and sprawling. Now it is a contained eye shaped pool next to a green volcano.







