The Tennessee Senate : photos by Malcolm Aslett

A minor diversion for this effort.

A photo should have some mystery and surprise. Strike that last sentence. Of course a photo doesn't require those things but it would be nice if it did.

This was constructed from a series in low light again and that means some photos are not as sharp as others. But what a peculiarly school classroom-like place, or, like a badly designed theatre. I have to assume it is a largely male dominated legislature as I can't see many women choosing that carpet.

There were sections of additions and a bit of twisting at the extremeties to get things fitting, hence the ridiculous distortion of the lowest desk and the over enlarged one to bottom right. I kept the balcony to a straight line and that helps offset the fish eye impressions in other areas.

Not a historical record. There is something pleasing in that shell-like curve. A conch. A nautilus. The one thing it has going for it is that geometric form that suggests a progression in nature - and the straight edge of the visitor gallery that contrasts with it. A gloomy place to work, though. Can't see them getting much done with that set up. Have they thought of cubicles?






