Interior of The Meridien Hotel, Philadelphia : photos by Malcolm Aslett

Well here's a thing.

This is the interior of an hotel in Philadelphia where the open courtyard has been roofed in and a lower level floor built across and carpeted as an enclosed area. So there is an odd mix of interior and exterior elements, like the array of windows that were once open to the other type of elements.

I did a few versions, sometimes having the areas transition more smoothly and rounded but I was not happy with the simplicity of it all. It seemed to deserve something better. I progressed to a more fractured version. The colours seemed flat and so I adjusted areas for colour and tone. That didn't come off as well as I hoped either. Finally I used a filter to turn it black and white and make it more like a drawing. The result has artistic references for me - stealing stuff so that iit brings to mind borrowings from an Escher drawing and a Gustave Dore engraving. That solved a lot of the issues I had with it. Now it unifies what was the unifying thing all along - the windows. All those sightless windows.

The black and white makes such a strong statement compared to the colour version. I'll put the earlier one below so you can compare.

Let us sleep now.






