A Corrupted Swimming Pool : photos by Malcolm Aslett

Is there anything more smug than a swimming pool? Yes, I hear you say. Many things are more smug than an inanimate construction incapable of emotional response and human conceits.

Well, smarty pants, if you can keep that to yourself as the question is rhetorical and being used only as an introduction to my personal irritation with the order and complacency of pictorial images and certain social spaces. And when I began putting this together I decided I also wanted to tear it apart, break it up, unravel its pristine form.

So that is what is going on. The roofline of the building behind does a bit of rock and roll as it goes from one end to the other. The level ground around the pool is raised at one point like a diving board, at the point where no diving is requested.

The order and predictablility of what we see can be, sometimes, irritating.

The shadow of the photographer is also left stranded, floating on the ground with no origin point.

A bit of chaos and anarchy in this perfectly predictable setting.






