Waynesboro Sign : photo by Malcolm Aslett

A simple enough shot which has been edited down from a larger series of images that stretched down to the road below and to the right.

This one concentrates on the Street Sign that is no longer to do with the roads but is now attached to a cloudy sky. That changes things a bit.

There isn't a lot to try or upset the spectator so some will see this as a 'complete' photograph. There is order in this almost square shaped picture, with the sky and clouds and tree heads in some kind of inverted balance. The sign itself appears at some acceptable division around the golden section area.

The one thing amiss is the ghosted additions to the geometry of the sign. I like that they putter out into cloud.

'Short' and 'Race' are the names on the signs. I could make something up about the choice but they are random. It's a random photograph in many ways. But the order restores it. I like it as the rusted reds of the trees versus the steely grains and mild blues of the sky give it a machine like order and beauty. The clouds dip down in some inflexion of melancholy and suggest we could find pathos in it. Ah, that accident we call the Art of Photography.






