Blue Ridge Foliage : photo by Malcolm Aslett
I had a few issues with this till I came to a series of decisions about the shape and manner of the photograph. To begin with, there was an awful lot of green. Green foliage, green trees, leaves, everything. That was of course what attracted me to the scene in the first place. It was a sea of green leaves reaching to the trees in the distance. Then when I put the photo together it appeared rather bland - for the very same reasons. The joiner nature of the photograph allowed me to have those plants in the foreground in great detail. Yet it was all being lost by the continuance of those elements all the way to the back and beyond. Also, the tree trunks were straighter and anonymous in earlier trials. The colours were beefed up with red and yellow to take it away from the bucket of green it was before, then with HDR and varous levels of contrast the stuff within the leaves and behind were distinguished. On a computer screen it doesn't work well to see this picture in toto. The average monitor will be too small. Best to have it at a standard magnification and scroll up and down. Not the way a picture is seen in most settings but it is appropriate here. It should be looked at from top to bottom or vice versa. There is a logic to the composition I think but to enjoy the bits in the picture you have to see it in a linear way. You move from large to small or small to large. Think of how things look close up and then together and what details become details at each point. Below are a couple of different takes on the same subject. I have a half a dozen or so. |