Wooden shack in a field : photo by Malcolm Aslett

Just like last week this is a bunch of photographs from an iphone. There were maybe twenty or twenty five. Why this matters in this case is the wide angle of the shot. It isn't like shooting with a fifty mm lens. The angle is more like a wide angle. I was parallel with the edge of the shed and looking to the right the perspective was sharper. When I looked to the left this created a more acute view on the left. Put them together and you have that oddly performing structure you see before you. Narrower than a right angle. Like a stove pipe hat tipping over in the wind.

As I've said before, I like the colours in an iphone. They have a vibrancy, which is what the were required to have. The software is clever because instead of detail it gives you fireworks. A glare of colour and contrasts. That didn't stop me from increasing thecontrast to strengthen the lines of this baby.

The scene itself is something to wonder about. A deserted property on land unevenly levelled. Did someone live here? Was it for storage? The two doors suggest to me it was a residence. It couldn't have been plush. In this leafless scene after the harvest it is all rather dour. Hard lives. Some of us have lived hard lives. Some continue to do so. To those who struggle. We tip our hat







