Charlottesville Stadium with Trees : photo by Malcolm Aslett

There are some things you fight against and then you stop and wonder "Why am I fighting? What does it matter?"

I'm sure there are some fights worth fighting even if you can't win them. This was a temporary battle that I told myself to ignore.

When using the automatic stitcher in Photoshop what it will often do is put areas next to one another dividied by a form and give the separated areas differing tones. You can see it here between the branches of the trees and the tent surface between areas divided by shadows. There are ways to correct or minimize that. Here, because of the forking white tines of the bare branches reaching into a blue sky I decided I liked that these divisions came out the way they did. It emphasizes the growth of the trees to the upper level but also contradicts the situation somewhat by it being Winter and the branches being bare. It becomes a "So what?" kind of gesture of growth and pause. But at least they are the sections in the brightest light.

While the tent covering is where the photograph began it is the bare trees that actually comandeer the picture.






