Waiting at Reagan Airport : photo by Malcolm Aslett

I wondered if I had shown this one before. I spent a lot of time on it and had several attempts at putting it in order. Here is what I think works:

Sunrise at an airport with a bunch of folk waiting for an early flight.

That curtain of wall stretching across the back like a three part banner just about manages to break out of the eye shape that often occurs in these situations.

While a waiting room is a static affair, an inbetween place, there is some sense of movement in the form of the building and the balance of characters.

Airports are unusual affairs. Glorified bus stations that need a bit more comfort and presumptive style than automotive garages but still have a serious functionality.

There are irregular transitions in tone and shape that you need to search for that are not especially jarring but nestled comfortably.

The white walkway free of people that is a sharp area at bottom right. The clear geometric shape is a nice coherent part of a confusing spread.

You can almost smell the overpriced coffee and donuts.






