Three views of Crozet, Virginia: photo by Malcolm Aslett

There is always a lot of blue sky in Crozet, Virginia. Sitting up next to the Blue Ridge that seems appropriate.

I took these three series within the space of an hour from three sites very close to one another. The new library with its car park is shown above. Below is, at the bottom, the old train station that was turned into the 'old library' and then into a shop. The middle image is of the likely future business area right next to this place. In twenty years this will be all built up as the area is expanding with new home owners and people who prefer to leave their homes to get a cup of coffee made for them rather than sit at home wondering what they should do with their lives. Ah, the big questions. Those are what drives commerce and real estate.

I was unsatisfied with several aspects of these photos and went back a few days later to do them again. I haven't put those together yet but may go back again with a ladder. Seriously. What annoys me is the presence of the Blueridge in the background is an important factor of this place, but due to the lay of the land from these viewing points it becomes flattened and negligible in the background. If I had an extra six feet in height that just might make a difference.

The library photo allows those carpark marking shapes in the foreground to dominate - which I liked. The second I messed with the automatic fill again and gradually got used to this ridiculous spiral of parts above the trolley. The final one at the bottom I liked in terms of formal balance but the large version has a lot of slightly blurred elements. This was due to me using my trusty Olympus Pen with an old bulky lens I wanted to try out. It was so bright I had difficulty focusing using the back image. Well, a lot of the images were not sharp. The smaller size hides that to a large degree though there is a fusty deadness in the colours. The time of day didn't help. When I returned to take them again it was at an earlier time of day with the sun at a slightly different angle. If I get them done and they are okay I'll put them up for comparison.




