August 2011 - THIS week's PICTURE

UVA Pond with Boy: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett

A picture of the boy walking around the fountain. It's a subject I've done before though not with this particular pond/fountain. Where there were missing elements in the four corners I extended the parts up by repeating stuff. Windows and pillars become invented architecture with a mirrored section of one part to reach to the edge.

I like fountains. I always expect the joiner to come out more interesting than it does. It may well be that a traditional joiner with overlapping parts might look more entertaining, one with all the work for the viewer not done..

I tired out the image in black and white. This sometimes helps and gives a photo more street cred. Black and white photos produce different connotations and we have different expectations to them than colour photos. Umm, no. That doesn't come off either for me. I am presenting it for public consumption in the same manner that we watch a film that we have high expections of but don't think is great. We can learn a lot from those films - a well done film is too deceptively easy to understand. With a bad film we can see the joins and what doesn't work and clunks. Maybe this one will be cautionary. Does it need an event? Is the form too predictable or not predictable enough? Need to give it more thought.

This version has been further contrasted. Colour values vary from left to right and the left has more red and yellow in the stone. If it were a better picture I might have bothered to make them match.



