Inside and Outside a Car : photo by Malcolm Aslett

A trip up to the Blueridge when the roads were still shut and folk weren't gathering in crowds. We parked on a bluff (I'm not actually sure it was a bluff as I didn't grow up inside a Randolph Scott western but we can pretend it is) . I have taken series in a car space and outside before and they usually don't come off as well as I hope. This one probably fits into that category too. There is one of my son in a car in Florida that incorporates the buildings around that I quite like. Ah, Florida. Not the place to be this month.

So clearly the driving wheel is going to be a core item if you are sitting in the driver's seat. Visibility in the modern car isn't so great. There is not much windscreen view. With the door open we get a bit of that precious tarmac and a distant American flag. There isn't much order to it. The bitty quality of the experience comes out. There is a glimpse of shoe, feet on the dashboard, a rear mirror that is dark and unhelpful.

When taking images so close there is likely to be a deal of confusion with the camera focus and shifting relationships between foreground and middle ground, or in this case foreground and slightly less foreground.

The darkness of the image takes the photograph in one direction. The shrouding of information, of data and understanding. It could have gone the otherway and all of the particulars from the stitching on the wheel cover to the laces and the dials and the dimpled plastics could have been given space. Not this time. This time I think it is quite an obscure view we are getting.






