Blueridge View Two : photo by Malcolm Aslett

You look at a view and it seems like it is going to make a great photograph. Then you frame it and realise that the actual composition does not encompass all the things you were seeing that seemed to make it a great photograph. A common enough problem. Happens all the time. What this picture does to avoid that is to compress all of that like a display of stock items in a catalogue on a single page. Not that it achieves its purpose fully because you then realise the resultant series of parts isn't what you imagined the scene would look like. That said, I like what came out. Even the patchy parts of the sky which show differing light and colour values is a testament to the bits and pieces of the scene. Perhaps it never quite comes together as a whole. It needs to be seen bit by bit as it escapes sense and logic on some level. The ground takes up a bit more space than one feels it should. But the diversity of the ground is appealing. Stone, soil, plant and leaf and moss. It doesn't have the well composed order of a classic photograph. There is usually a simplicity in a 'successful' photograph. This one doesn't have the calm of a horizon line or the grand simplicity of a defineable subject. That's why I like it. It kind of spreads over the rectangle like nature has been spilled on it rather than captured. That's just me, of course.






