January 2012 - THIS week's PICTURE

Double Portrait: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett


As it is a double portrait I have done two of the. The second has one of the figures shifted over to the right a little bit. If this was a drawing the second is more in line with the formal relations I would have given. The one above looks a shade cramped. But notice how the difference in size is more apparent in the first because of the proximity. Because the foreground subject is less than half the distance of the one behind from the camera there is an 'enlargement', particulary in the upper part of the body and head.

I think this was taken at a park in Crozet. It was an untouched series in a folder I came across recently. Joiner double-dea;omg can be detected in the extra series of screws in the left hand of the bench as well as a repeated backpack.

It is a cliche of the art photograph to have people in an image who don't appear to be interacting. This can happen in joiners because a lot can happen in the seconds or minutes it takes to snap a series horizonally and vertically. Here it comes off a little contrived, perhaps.



