APRIL 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE
Boy asleep on a plane : photo by Malcolm Aslett
Boy asleep on a plane. Says it all. Other than that, it would be interesting to see 'portraits' of people both asleep and awake next to one another for comparison. What does an animate face and posture do to the interpretation of character that is not present in an image of them sleeping? Don't tell me their eye colour. Eyes are not really the windows to the soul as some people seem to have their curtains up. But is the sleeping figure more a member of humanity to us? There should be no anger, or posturing, or preening. A sleeping figure is prone and vulnerable so does that vulnerability leave us more likely to feel protective towards them? It would be nice to do a survey of people looking at waking/sleeping people and giving them a swipe left/right choice on the basis of catergories like: kind, friendly, patient, attractive and so forth and see if and how they differ. We could do that. I'll take the photographs. |