August 2011 - THIS week's PICTURE

Ashbourne Church with Sky: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett

A photograph produced out of boredom and irritation - to some degree at least. This is the entrance to a church in the small town of Ashbourne in England. Below you can see the 'original' photo, a series of about half a dozen photos taken left to right. Taken on a grey and cloudy day in the Peak District. It didn't strike me as at all interesting in the original form so I extended the canvas and drew in that looming sky, adding more grey swathes so that, essentially, the made up sky becomes the main topic of the picture and the things below it (Gothic pillars and church) are the accoutrements. While there are other things that could be done I feel the result is a more individual picture and allows for a greater number of possible meanings and interpretations. What for instance? Oh, things like Heaven and Earth, or even elemental stuff like Air, Water, Earth, or Melancholy, or my often made observation that we look at the world invariably from an eye level perspective and an image like this forces us to do something different. Or maybe just that it is cloudy and rainy a lot of the time in England.

The fact that there is something pointing to the sky and piercing it like a pair of pincers makes a difference too. Don't ask me what is it. Let us go and make our visit.

This version has been further contrasted. Colour values vary from left to right and the left has more red and yellow in the stone. If it were a better picture I might have bothered to make them match.



