Auguest 2012 - THIS week's PICTURE

Dogwood Festival Fairground 2 : Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett


This joiner is another that reminds me of those 'Spot the difference' pictures due to all those odd bits - the pair of legs without a top, the missing head on the figure to the left of them - and if this was a bigger version you could find a lot more smaller items of that nature.

The brightly toned sunshade is a difficult thing not to look at and it certainly dominates. Not that anyone would buy themselves an umbrella in those colours but we expect and enjoy it at a fairground. The shape is partly 'mirrored' by the invented clouds in the sky just above it. The clouds were drawn to hide some sky tones as well as make the space more interesting.

I noticed later on an element of these photos that develops 'naturally': most people are seen from the back. A lot of backs of heads in this and similar scenes. I guess I automatically conform to that social nicety of not taking photos of strangers if I can help it. I think that feeds in to how this picture is interpreted, for though it is a fairground scene all of the people appear to have their own space, distinct and isolated. For the most part we're seeing the spectators rather than the people on the rides in this one. Add those disembodied legs and we are being held at hands distance from the fun with the attractions being just too far away. Ah, how like life and Fellini films



