February 2012 - THIS week's PICTURE

Memorial Mosaic Final Stage by Eddy Scott


The previous stages are shown below. This is what Eddy had to say about it:

"I fragmented the outside like a mosaic (window) to fill spaces and make the whole thing hang together. I didn't see the point of doing that in the middle. There are lots of circles and arcs so together with straightening up the pillars I kept in some of the curvy bits.

"I think war memorials are curious things in that they are obliged not to glorify war (if possible) but honor the efforts of those who died. It's a tough brief to pull off. So the outside of the picture for me also came to represent the destruction of war, of things falling apart, while the calm inside with the two figures with their back to the camera are distant, reflective. They give no comment to it at all. We don't know why they are there. The two main figures to the left maybe have no place in the picture I was building but I kept them in because they are visually intersting. What perhaps would have been best, now that I think of it, would have been to have lots of shadows intruding into the central space of people we don't see, to represent the absent participants and victims of war."

So there you have it. Eddy also asked to have his full handywork available to see so if you click on the image you can have a bigger version to peruse.

So where will it go next? will the whole thing be broken into a mosaic or will it gradually become more unified and readable towards the centre? I am on tenterhooks. More next week, hopefully.



