July 2011 - THIS week's PICTURE

Birthday at Crozet Pizza House, VA: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett

One version of a series taken at Crozet Pizza. Not quite finished with it yet and I still want to play around with certain sections. You might notice parts that are repeated - the back wall is used again at top left; the left window is repeated above the heads on the right. At least the centre of attention is held in place, the Birthday boy with his crown for the day. Below is the first arrangement before I decided to add the two figures to the right. I initially thought they would be too big in comparison to the others and distract overly but as the general dynamics lead to the large pizza tray in the middle together with the two boys' heads I decided I could get away with it. The repeats of a similar plastic cup irritate me though, as well as the undefined left edge of the table and the murky right section between wall and window. They need a better solution. So, a work in progress if I ever get round to it again.



