June 2017 - THIS week's PICTURE

Tom at the Chapel of the Holy Cross (half finished), Sedona, Arizona: photo by Malcolm Aslett


Second pass with a bunch of photos from the southerly aspect of the curving wall around the Chapel of the Holy Cross outside of Sedona.

Simplify. That is what the man said. It turns out it is very complicated to simplify things. If you compare this to last week's version (below) you can

see that the figures at top left and right have been humpty dumptied (erm, put back together again, I mean). That woman at top left lost her partner

and also her left leg, which I replaced with her right leg so that the figure is in more of a stance, less casual. I have stuck a different photo of the boy

on top of the other one mainly becuase it is a better exposed image. Now it is there I see that by changing the boy's gaze 'inwards' it takes on a different

aspect. His hands hide his face, just as the other two figures faces are turned away from us - but theirs are turned to look at the scene

that the world is presenting. That might work.


I also removed all the other people and vehicles in the background to leave just the (now driverless) shuttle bus and a smaller cart. This,

for me, very much changes the mood. Things are quiter and less bustling. The curving question mark of the wall has been cleaned

of interruptions and overtly straight lines. The sky has been photoshopped and, though consistent, bugs me because it comes over as

artificial (in the bad way). The tarmac of the car park is yet to be rationalised to a comfortably even gradation of tones. The stones to right

aren't regular enough in shape and tone not to trouble the eye as this point. The extra shadow hasn't been removed, though the concept has

a Magritte quality to it and if it can be pulled off might be kept in.

Still needs a few hours twiddling.




