Tom and Autumn, Skyline Drive: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett

This is a mix of viewpoints and that hump of a hill is part joiner-part montage. The leaves proved useful to copy and repeat and cover up areas. The same leaf can be used in various shapes, angles, colours and tones to create a veritable forest. Though the artificial mound could have been avoided or made less obvious I wanted to see how much this artificial element added or detracted from the image.


Colour values have been greatly changed. Photoshop allows the colour saturation levels to be changed as well as messing about with hues and tones, light and dark contrasts.


This is still a work in progress. I want to tweak various parts. At one point I was going to have the leaves at base reveal the word 'FALL' and then decided against it. I don't even like the word. Autumn. This is Autumn. Why be in such a hurry to pronounce a season in one syllable? And this isn't an advertising campaign so why bother with such a commercial presentation of the scene?



