Crozet Station II : photo by Malcolm Aslett

I said I would do it and I did.

There is a similar photo to this from earlier in the year found here: JPmarch20d.html. (Go to the bottom of the page as there are three images).

The lens I used didn't focus well for a start. A bunch of other issues which left me pleased with the general form but not the quality of the image.

This one is taken a few steps away and incorporates the oil drum and fence to the left as well as more of the buildings. Something lost, somethings gained.

Of the things I liked, the circular form of the barrel at bottom left and the curtain-like nature of the sky that varies in light and dark areas.

When I started taking photographs for the first time and looked at photography publications with modern colour photography of the odd parking lot or concrete bus stop seating I didn't understand why anyone thought they were interesting enough to shoot. I guess it can come down to seeing a place as an event. What the action is is hard to describe except as a list of items that are clearly visible. The invisible stuff might show up easier with age.






